
Hintel Points of Sale (POS) System in the Embedded Terminal Technologies - #1 

Hintel new innovation embedded POS system solutions are the first option for your choice. And their complete Hardware and Software applications are specially designed just for those who do business, and it caters for much more suitable services that can help the retailers to increase the sales productivity & performance, and as well reduce operating expense, and let them run the businesses with effortlessness.

Point of sale software & hardware designs much greatly reduce the requirement for the POS machine repair, service and maintenance, and as well that simplify the equipment's use with the highly efficient operation management. In addition, the green cleaning embedded equipments can add much more extra value into your business.

Hintel's POS solution innovation promotes the industry upgrading, and bring the real benefits to the retail merchants, and make the sales process more efficient.

Why First Choice of the Green Cleaning EPOS Machine?

Hintel Eco-friendly (Green) POS Machine is affordable for all the retail operators, and that is one of the smartest option & investment you can make, and it needs a lot of the innovations to get there. And Hintel high-end embedded innovation EPOS product series are fully compliant with the Sustainable Development Goals, and the green cleaning point of sale machine can help merchants to reduce the running costs in the enterprise, and as well their life cycle is the longer than the conventional equipment.

Go green with your businesses by replacing old non-green device terminal with the new Energy-efficient POS System. It is best way to manage rising business costs, and bring up more concrete benefits into your businesses and improve profitability.