03/21/2021 From May 1 this year, foreigners staying in Singapore on Dependant’s Passes will need a formal work pass in order to work here, instead of a letter of consent (LoC).
This means their employers will need to apply for an Employment Pass (EP), S Pass or work permit for them, and the relevant qualifying salary, dependency ratio ceiling and levy will apply. If they are already working, this must be done once their current letter of consent expires.
There are about 11,000 Dependent’s Pass holders working on LoC recently. Most meet prevailing work pass criteria, but whose do not will have to stop working in Singapore.
We need to notice that dependants of S Pass holders have to apply for a relevant work pass in order to work in Singapore, while dependants of skilled foreign professionals or entrepreneurs on EPs, EntrePasses or Personalised Employment Passes can apply for a letter of consent.
Only Dependant’s Pass holders who are business owners can work using a letter of consent, and only if they own at least 30 per cent of the company shares and their business creates local employment. They must employ at least one Singaporean or permanent resident earning at least the prevailing local qualifying salary – currently $1,400 – and make contributions to the employee’s Central Provident Fund accounts for at least three months.
Bellow is our new special service package for DP company owners recently. Contact us to know more and make a personalised consultation today.

Assembly Works was founded by Shining Yeo out of her passion and interest in navigating the challenging financial and Singaporean regulatory landscape.Committed to maintaining a direct, personal, and confidential relationship with all our clients. From routine bookkeeping solutions to major financia…