06/17/2019 East Chen Consultancy Master Wesley Lim was in United States giving a Feng Shui Class to the guests invited by EXP Realty on the 7th May of 2019.
The class went on with dismay on how practical can the Feng Shui being applied in the daily life with Master Wesley's comprehensive yet in depth elaboration on the topics.
The take away from the class was great according to a survey after that the class exceeded the expectations in term of clarity and practicality on the skills and knowledge taught.
Singapore Feng Shui Master Wesley Lim had done it again in leading his students to explore their uncharted waters into the Metaphysics world of Feng Shui in modern term.
A great tour for Master Wesley.

An International Professional Feng Shui and Bazi Metaphysics Consultation company that operates in Singapore and Malaysia to serve its Global clients which includes Both Commercial and Individuals sectors, ranging from Multinational Companies to Personal demand.The highly effectiveness in the soluti…