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Eastspring Investments

Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited, 10 Marina Boulevard, #32-01 Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 2, Singapore, 018983, Singapore

Phone: +65 6349 9100

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About Eastspring Investments

Established January 2009

Eastspring Investments, part of Prudential Corporation Asia, is Prudential plc's asset management business in Asia. We are one of the region's largest asset managers, with operations in 14 markets (including offices in the US and Europe) with about US$97 billion (about £60 billion) in assets under management (at September 30, 2013). In Asia, Eastspring Investments operates in Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam and Indonesia, and has joint venture operations in India, China and Hong Kong.

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