38 Sin Ming Drive #01-523, Singapore, 575712, Singapore

Phone: +.659.489.2424
About Harmony Funeral Care
Established October 2018
Harmony Funeral Care believes in forging meaningful relationships with our customers by presenting them with the best possible service at reasonable prices. We aim to be Singapore's funeral care provider people reach out to in times of need, providing harmonious funerals with care.
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08/23/2022 In Singapore, majority of the population are Buddhists. Buddhists believe in reincarnation; they believe in being born an infinite number of times until they reach Nirvana, a state of enlightenment which is being able to see the world as it really is... Read More »
08/23/2022 In Singapore, majority of the population are Buddhists. Buddhists believe in reincarnation; they believe in being born an infinite number of times until they reach Nirvana, a state of enlightenment which is being able to see the world as it really is... Read More »
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