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 Singapore Business Directory - Sleeve Gastrectomy

38 Irrawaddy Road, #05-23 Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre @ Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital , Singapore, 329563, Singapore

Phone: 65 6255 1234

Email - Sleeve Gastrectomy

About - Sleeve Gastrectomy

Established January 2014

Dr Ganesh is a specialist in general surgery as well as Bariatric surgery. He heads G&L Surgical Clinic in Singapore. He has a lot of experience in Bariatric surgery and treating obesity. The methods Dr Ganesh uses are associated with significant weight loss, improving and treating obesity-related diseases. Sleeve Gastrectomy is a common Bariatric surgical procedure that restricts the amount of food and calories that can be eaten by removing approximately 60% of the stomach. This is a minimally invasive procedure that Dr Ganesh performed laparoscopically to create a small sleeve-shaped stomach. With sleeve gastrectomy procedure the stomach is less likely to expand over time than with other Bariatric procedures. Thanks to this operation Dr Ganesh has helped many people with excessive body fat to improve their health and life.

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