9 Scotts Road Pacific Plaza, Scotts Medical Center #08-07, Orchard, 228210, Singapore

About Cutis Medical Laser Clinics
Established June 2010
We are an award winning aesthetic clinic and age management clinic in Singapore which is based on the fundamentals of scientifically proven "evidence-based" aesthetic treatments.
We specialize on the following treatments:
3D Skin Rejuvenation
Brow Lift
Chemical Peels
Cosmelan® Depigmentation Treatment
Cutera Pearl Procedure
DiamondTome™ Microdermabrasion
Eyebag Treatment
Facial Contouring
Laser Acne Scar Reduction
Laser Genesis Skin Therapy
Limelight™ Facial
Lip Rejuvenation
Liquid Face Lift
Melasma Management
Nose Enhancement
Perlane® Filler
Pores / Fine Lines Treatment
Restylane® Filler
Sculptra® The Natural Collagen Stimulator
Stretch Marks Management
Tear Trough Rejuvenation
Titan "non-surgical face lift
We specialize on the following treatments:
3D Skin Rejuvenation
Brow Lift
Chemical Peels
Cosmelan® Depigmentation Treatment
Cutera Pearl Procedure
DiamondTome™ Microdermabrasion
Eyebag Treatment
Facial Contouring
Laser Acne Scar Reduction
Laser Genesis Skin Therapy
Limelight™ Facial
Lip Rejuvenation
Liquid Face Lift
Melasma Management
Nose Enhancement
Perlane® Filler
Pores / Fine Lines Treatment
Restylane® Filler
Sculptra® The Natural Collagen Stimulator
Stretch Marks Management
Tear Trough Rejuvenation
Titan "non-surgical face lift
Photo Gallery
Products & Services
‣ Acne scars ‣ acne treatment ‣ aesthetic clinic ‣ botox ‣ dermapen singapore ‣ face sculpting ‣ facial contouring ‣ Facial Treatment ‣ fillers ‣ Hair Removal ‣ laser clinic ‣ nose augmentation ‣ nose enhancement ‣ nose lift ‣ pigmentation ‣ skin care ‣ skin center ‣ skin clinic ‣ stretch marks ‣ wrinkles
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