By Easy Video
02/23/2020 A good marketing video involves more than just presenting your business to others with only information. A little bit of spice is always needed.
Nowadays, as the attention span of people is decreasing, there is always a need to come up with new ways to engage them. This list shows you some key points to take note of.
1. Know Your Audience
Know your target audience. If you are working in a specific field, showcase things that are marketable to them and not something irrelevant. Don’t start talking about things that are beside the point you are trying to get across. Always remember what your objective is and how your objective can be applied to your viewers.
2. Catch Your Viewers In The First Few Seconds
Having a good first impression is very important. If you’re unable to catch your viewer’s attention in the first 15 seconds, it’s highly possible for them to click “skip ad” or just click off the video.
Create a video with an introduction that is able to catch the attention of the audience in the first 10 seconds. Creative animation introduction is a great way to captivate viewers.
3. Be Straight To The Point
Make your statement short and sweet. Viewers are not willing to watch a long-winded video lasting more than 3 minutes. Don’t beat around the bush, make the video brief but comprehensive and put in quality content rather than a huge chunk of supporting content.
An ideal marketing video should be up to 2 minutes, which is optimal to provide enough information and at the same time not lose the attention of viewers.
4. Call to Action
A CTA (call to Action) is usually added to the end to entice viewers after viewing the entire video. However, by adding the CTA in the middle of the video can also have its benefits. By the time viewers have reached that point, it means their attention span is still there. By putting the CTA in the middle, in a way that does not disrupt the flow of the video, it prompts viewers to take action and feel involved. It also acts as a ‘safety measure’ in case audiences lose their interest and click off the video before the CTA at the end.
5. Give Them A Reason To Continue Watching
Make them stay by providing gripping visuals and segments that could entice them to watch to the end. Simply having a guy just sit there and talk on and on about what you provide works, but having some interesting things like animations or special effects or even some comedy moments in the video works even more, and definitely would grab their attention.
6. Energy
An energetic video is highly likely to make the audience continue viewing the video. I’m pretty sure you want the audience to watch the video and not fall asleep while the video is playing in the background. Create a video that is able to spur liveliness within them and let them fall into the tempo of your video. It would then be apparent that viewers would want to watch the video to the end and absorb the message that you’re trying to convey.
7. Curiosity
Spark their curiosity. Make the audience want to know what this product or service is about. Keep them hanging and the feeling of wanting to know the ending allows them to continue watching even if the video is slightly longer than usual.
A good way to spark their curiosity is by asking them an interesting question and show them how to go about solving the problem by using the product and services, and at the end of the video, give them an answer that will make the go ‘wow’.
8. Make It Emotional
Be it happy or sad, if you’re able to catch their emotions, you’d have already gotten their attention. If the video is just a plain explainer video with just talking and talking, there would be a high probability that people will get bored and click off the video. But if you can spark some laughter, stir their imagination or even jerk a few tears in your video, their attention is ultimately yours.
9. Make It Relatable
By telling a story through marketing video, you are able to plant your own personal experience into the viewer’s mind and make it more relatable to them. They are able to step in your shoes and understand the product or services more. When they are in the same wavelength as you, you are able to attract customers more easily.

Easy Video Singapore is a boutique video production studio based in Singapore.Our professional video production team will be able to work out the objectives of your video production needs and what specific elements you want us to feature. It is important to hire the right team to ensure that your vi…
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