By Easy Video
02/20/2020 Since the recent outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, there have been more cancellations of events and conferences to abide by the protocol of the DORSCON orange. In times like these, web streaming is going to be a new way to hold events.
Here are some facts on how web streaming is a more beneficial way of hosting events in times like these.
1. Safety
Using web streaming, we are able to reach out to all its staff in an effective and safe way. Businesses can maintain communication, give leadership direction and conduct training to its staff virtually, anytime, anywhere. People are able to view events, training seminars and town halls at home, away from the crowd, at the ease of time, anytime and anywhere.
This also allows events, training seminars and town halls to continue running and happening.
2. More Access To The Crowd
Web streaming allows access to more people around the world, even from across the globe. If the event is located in some place, there will be interaction and contact with people, which increases the chances of getting infected and thus spreading back to wherever they originally came from.
However, if the event were to be held via web streaming platforms, everyone is able to watch it on their own availability which is just a few clicks away. The original audience will be retained but additional audiences, such as those who were not able to attend such meetings and conferences in person, would hence also be able to attend digitally.
3. Continuity of normal events.
Income and profits from various companies are dropping due to them not being able to promote their services and product or communicate with the consumers through mass events and what not. On the plus side, companies are able to continue their promotions online via web streaming platforms.
Business meetings and conferences can resume as per usual, as goes for mass conferences, with the only difference of it being online and reduced risk of contracting the virus.

Easy Video Singapore is a boutique video production studio based in Singapore.Our professional video production team will be able to work out the objectives of your video production needs and what specific elements you want us to feature. It is important to hire the right team to ensure that your vi…
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